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Payment solutions


Different solutions

HonestBox works with various payment solutions. Different solutions are better or worse depending on what your situation looks like. Perhaps you already have an existing solution and then it is an advantage to be able to continue working with it.


One of the most popular ways to pay in Sweden is with Swish. So for us at HonestBox, it is a matter of course to be able to offer Swish as a payment solution.

Read more about Swish


To pay with a card in the customer’s mobile phone, Stripe is a good alternative. Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.

Read more about the payment solution from Stripe


We have integration with SumUp and we use their card terminal.

This solution today requires our express checkout.

Read more about SumUp

Swedbank Pay

Maybe you already have an agreement with Swedbank Pay (formerly Payex) and then this can be a good alternative to paying with Swish, Card and Invoice.

Read more about Swedbank Pay


In certain contexts, it can be good to be able to offer payment against an invoice. We can solve that.