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Nära Dej

Nära Dej väljer obemannad handel

Menigo's investment in strengthening local producers and sustainability

In a time where climate change and sustainability have become increasingly important, it is of the utmost importance that companies take responsibility for their impact on the environment and society. Menigo, one of Sweden’s leading wholesalers in food and restaurant equipment, has long worked to offer sustainable and environmentally friendly products. With its Nära Dej project, Menigo goes a step further to support local producers, reduce the climate footprint and offer quality products to its customers.

Nära Dej – an investment in local production

Nära Dej is Menigo’s project which aims to promote locally produced food and support local producers. By offering products from smaller and local suppliers, Menigo wants to contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient food chain. The project aims to make it easy for restaurants, schools and other businesses to choose locally produced food and thus reduce the negative effects of long transports and mass production.

Advantages of choosing locally produced

Choosing locally produced products means several advantages, both for the environment and the consumer. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. Reduced climate impact: Locally produced foods reduce the distance between production and consumption, which in turn leads to reduced carbon dioxide emissions from transport. In addition, local producers can often use more environmentally friendly methods in production, such as choosing renewable energy and more efficient use of resources.
  2. Fresher products: When the distance between producer and consumer is shorter, it means that the products reach the customer faster. This results in fresher and more flavorful ingredients, which is important for restaurants that want to offer their guests a first-class taste experience.
  3. Support for local producers and the economy: Choosing locally produced means that you support the local producers and contribute to strengthening the local economy. This creates jobs and helps smaller businesses compete in the market.
  4. Increased transparency in production: When you shop locally, you usually get a better insight into how the food is produced and which methods are used. This gives the consumer greater opportunity to make informed choices and ensure that the products meet high quality and ethical standards.

Nära Dej chooses HonestBox as a technical supplier for unmanned trade and passage.


Contact the seller at Menigo


Jonas Lernebrant – Väst

Michael Norberg – Norr


Pernilla Lagergren – Öst

Tommie Jensen – Syd