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Leader in hybrid and fully unmanned trading since 2015.

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Sports facility


Sports facility and vending machine

A vending machine is easy to start and cheap to run. You design your vending machine and we fix the technology.

The victory drink after a padel match, or a bar after floorball training should be easy to buy. Make sure to have food, drinks and equipment easily accessible to your customers.

Modern vending machines replace old, boring screw machines in the sports complex. With openable solutions, you give customers an opportunity to look at the goods before they buy. An opportunity to squeeze and feel improves the customer experience and increases the average receipt.

We offer you all the technology you need to build your own fridge, your own cupboard or your own shop. It includes locks and a mobile solution that does not require downloading any app. The customer can get started in seconds and handles both trading and payment directly on the phone. Fast, flexible, modern.