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Snabbkassa EN


The self checkout is an extension of commerce

The self checkout enables the customer to scan and pay on an external screen and with an external terminal.

The self checkoutin various designs

Normally we use an 18″ screen that is mounted horizontally on a stand. We send the stand along for table placement. As the screen has a VESA mount, it is fine to use basically any stand on the market.

The scanner for the EAN codes is one that stands on the table and is really fast. It reads everything with ease!

The card payment terminal comes from SumUp. Good price. Easy to install. Smooth for the customer when paying. Other payment solutions that work with our cash register are of course Swish, which many people want to use. Also SwedbankPay, which they also have i.a. Swish, card and invoice payment. We also have card payment via Stripe. The purchase is then carried out on the customer’s mobile phone after a simple scan of the QR code. Apple Pay / Google Pay / Samsung Pay also work together with Stripe – for those customers who have it activated on their mobile phone.

Contact us for, for example, production of furniture and signs for the cash register.